Learning Academy
The Learning Academy Project
We were tasked with creating a learning-led culture at Pfizer similar to other companies with strong company pride. They were interested in building a global learner-center to ignite the potential of all their team members. Together with Pfizer’s leadership, we aimed to shift mindset and change behavior around personal growth and development for Pfizer’s 80,000+ employees. By focusing on learning and development, Pfizer hit their year-end goals of building a strong environment for growth and loyalty.
The Work
Using Pfizer’s established look and feel, we approached this project as a way to get out of our advertising mindset, instead focusing out energy on the consumer: their own employees. Ultimately, this work did not move forward into production, but we were left with a sense of adding something to a positive idea of community during a time of great disconnect.
Deliverables worked on: concept, ideation, design, presentations, image search, & retouching